I’m not done yet!
Don’t be alarmed, there will still be a few more emails after this one; it will go over 104 so don’t get too excited. This week was another good one. We had Zone Conference, which is always good and had a couple great experiences that helped me get through this week without thinking too much of other things. Unfortunately we didn’t find anybody new but things are still looking like they are going to be okay.
First off, as of late, the Latham boy is getting baptized this Saturday! It’s been really cool to be able to teach the family and have them all get back involved with church and everything, especially Mom. She is trying to figure some stuff out in her life and this is helping her a ton. Hearing from other members she’s expressed how grateful she is to have missionaries back in her home and that was a pretty cool moment for me to know I’m doing what I’m supposed to be doing. Also, with the baptism coming up it’s been amazing to see how involved the Ward is getting in the program and fellowshipping that family. There have been plenty of homes that we’ve been in and they’ve mentioned how it’s good to see the Latham family coming back. Everything just seems to be going exactly how it needs to with all of them. I’ll be sure to send you some pictures of the baptism this weekend.
Now that I’m talking about baptisms, I’m going to interject with a story that involves my former colleagues (I call them colleagues because I served with them in Hoover before I left there and when I left they both came to Huntsville YSA). Flashback to the beginning of our first transfer here. We knocked into a guy named Dylan. He was a less-active YSA member that expressed a desire to get himself back into church, crazy “coincidence.” The Dances, a senior couple serving in the Huntsville YSA Branch had been looking for Dylan for the past 8 months with no luck; and we just happen to stumble upon him. For the Dances, that was a miracle, and at that, only the beginning. We found ourselves back in the complex a couple weeks after finding Dylan and decided to see how he was doing. He ended up not being home but we met his girlfriend, Kaby (“K-B”). She told us that she used to talk with missionaries in the past and had lost her Book of Mormon but she loved the church and everything she remembered was good. We gave her another copy of the Book of Mormon and told Sister Birch and Sister Johanson (my former colleagues) to visit and teach Kaby. Their first visit went well and the miracle that was unfolding continued. We got word not too long after that that Kaby was on date to be baptized on June 16th. For a while following we didn’t hear too much and wondered if things were still working out. Zone Conference rolls around this past week and the Sisters come up to us and told us that Kaby was still getting baptized. Turns out that she had moved out of Dylan’s apartment, moved in with a few other YSA girls, had found a job, and had gotten a car--all the things she needed to be prepared for her baptism temporally and such. All of this because Sister Birch and Sister Johanson prayed with her for miracles. I testify that the Lord is in charge of His work. Many times we don’t get to witness the fruits of a contact that we make, but this time Elder Holm and I did. I’ll attach some pictures that Sister Birch posted on Facebook so you can get her take as well.
Back to the rest of the week and other investigators. Wil is doing awesome. We had a couple meetings with him this past week, one was with a member which was perfect for him. We talked a lot about baptism and the Book of Mormon and coming to know this is all true. He understood it all and the testimony of Brother Hendrickson helped so much. Then yesterday we went over and didn’t really plan a lesson. We wanted to visit with him and just talk for a bit, then leave a spiritual thought--Patterns of Light: Spiritual Revelation by David A. Bednar. It was really cool to be able to sit and talk and be more like a normal friend with someone, rather than a professional, business, “I-want-you-baptized” missionary. While you do desire the salvation of others and the baptism of them, if someone realizes those expectations then there isn’t much else you can do to push those expectations. He is now working toward July 21st for his baptism and we are trying to get him involved with the YSA. In regards to the video he mentioned how his first steps into the fog were him letting us in and asking the questions he had. Then desiring to know more has caused him to take more steps along that path. Wil gets it, and after a week of not feeling real successful because of the lack of new investigators, I feel confident that the Lord is helping us in this work. I can’t tell you the joy I felt when Wil expressed his thoughts and feelings and I can’t express the confirmation of the Spirit that came to me to allow me to know that I am doing something right.
Other than Wil there isn’t too big of news. Marlon read the Book of Mormon and we are going over there to talk to him and Annette this evening. Our goal is to get them both on board for baptism, starting with attending Sacrament Meeting. Cathy called us again and I’m not sure exactly what to report. She’s been acting kinda off lately and I’m not sure if we are on good terms with her or what...We met with Donna again and helped her with her family history. We didn’t get too much done this coming week we are helping her get involved with the family history consultants here. We met a nice lady named Mary who told us when we approached her, “Yeah I’ve seen missionaries but I’ve never been that interested in talking with them” and by the end of the conversation we were answering questions about what we believed in and leaving her with a pamphlet. I love people like that! We went and taught a lady who we had previously made contact with named Patricia. She let us in and was interested in taking a copy of the Book of Mormon to read. Due to her health though she doesn’t want to set a time so hopefully we’ll just be able to catch her at the right time again. We also talked to a guy right outside of our dinner appointment named Daniel. He’s 19 so he will probably go to the YSA eventually but maybe we can get that started again like we did with Kaby.
Funny Blips:
- Elder Canty quoted Helaman 5:12 in his email home and it was totally not from the Book of Mormon. He said he googled the reference and copied and pasted what came up…
- We’ve been running away from storms and rain all week. But, we haven’t gotten wet. :)
- A nice lady who lives down the street from us invited us over for dinner. We had hush puppies, french fries, and fried fish. Southern home-cooking for sure.
- I got hugged by a random little girl playing in an apartment complex on Wednesday. Tender moment for me, haha!
- We were talking to the workers in Walmart and one of the ladies found a used condom in the women’s room.
- Tim Croy. We met him when we were out doing some work out in Lacey Springs and he told us, “Sorry y’all, I’ve drank about 30 beers and smoked a bunch of weed…” He’s like in his late 50s too. Funny guy, he sang a song and played the guitar for us too. He can’t play the guitar though.
- Brother Messervy said that he had a ton of church books he is willing to give away. Here is how my collection and library of church books starts!!
- Elder Holm’s brother drove through Huntsville and dropped off a jacket for him at our doorstep. He didn’t knock, just left the bag.
- We met a lady named Joyce who was trying to contend a little bit with what we believe. We won though.
- Along those lines we met a guy named Rye who told us that Jesus isn’t real because there is no proof. Also, God is a Woman.
- Sonic messed up my drink the other night and I was not the happiest. But they were trying...poor workers. The lady who was in charge said that she knew who mormons were because of her Aunt. However, she found that aunt eating dog poop and grass in her backyard once so she’s cautious. Great, huh?
- We had pie for Father’s Day at the end of priesthood. Then we got stuck with a 4.68LB Apple Pie that was leftover. Everyone gives their leftovers to the missionaries.
As I said before, it was a good week. I don’t think I’ll ever have a bad week on my mission, and if I do it right, I’ll never have a bad week for the rest of my life. God is watching out for us and he doesn’t call us to fail he calls us to succeed. Living in the South for two years has taught me several things, but more than all I’ve learned what it means to be a Christian. People say that “Southern Hospitality is a thing!” but I’ve found the reason why: It’s because True Christians serve others. That’s what I’ve noticed this week; service is the epitome of Christianity. We know that Mosiah 2:17 says, “And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.” I believe that it can also go the other way:
“And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your God ye are only in the service of your fellow beings.”
I hope y’all have a blessed week! If you have any questions or need anything please let me know.
Much Love,
Elder Milius
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